Thursday, September 8, 2011

the beginning

So here I am.. beginning a journey that I am praying to God will change my life.  A lot of bad things have happended in the last year.  I do not want to dwell on them. Today I start taking my life back.  I am working through the MTS Bible Study and I am a journaler. SO I decided to do this for me... Today I begin the hard work involved in changing the outside-- I have done this many time before, but my DH said to me, from a book he was reading, "you know why people that want to be rich aren't?  and people that want to be healthy and tone aren't"... I of course responded with "no, do tell" At which time he propmtly sent my head whirlling and did not even realize it.  .
Well that has been stewing-- and I realized that is true...
1. I wanted really wanted to go back to school.........I am back in school carrying a full load
2. I wanted really wanted to get "A"s in school.....I am getting "A"s in fact I am now a memeber of Phi Theta Kappa (honor's society)
3. I wanted really wantedto learn the piano......I have taught myself piano and have decided to get a teacher.
4. I wanted really wanted to get rid of the demons that haunt my memories...........I am in MTS and forcing myself to face them and get healing
5. I want to be healthy.........Today, I am making the first step and going to the gym!

SO I have decided, that I want to re-enter the fitness game.  BUT I want to be smart about it, soo I need to seek some guidence. (I am going to the gym to begin today) I also want to learn more about "health" and the right way for someone my age and weight to effectively lose the pounds that seem to be increasing -
Here are a few things I know I need to do (beginning today)

  1. PRAY daily for GOD to show me what I is true in the fitness world. (so many contradictions and I am helplessly confused
  2. EDUCATE myself on good things that can help me, bewary of old habits that are unhealthy
  3. DRINK more WATER
  4. MOVE at least 30 minutes a day
  5. EAT food that is whole and not fried
  6. AVOID my personal addiction to fast food.. (notice AVOID--not CUT OFF COMPLETELY!)
  7. PLAN my meals
  8. ENLIST support...
  9. ENCOURAGE myself... and ask my support person to help
  10. REPORT my feelings and progresses...

SO I begin today

my REPORT is I weigh 230.8 pounds  that is hard to write.. but I know I will defeat this demon as well!  BUT I will weigh myself ONCE a week (apparently on Thursdays) and I will BLOG to motivate myself. 
OH and later I will talk about BALANCE.. oh that is a tough one for me.. BUT I can do it!

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