Friday, September 9, 2011

Day 1: just thinking

Here we are.. 11:27am and I have my support individual in place, and have been to the gym and walked on the treadmill for 30 minutes at 2.8 – 3.5. I feel like if I don't record THIS I would be remiss. When I got off the treadmill I was dizzy and lightheaded. I didn't feel like I had exerted myself but for a few minutes, I was feeling weird. I also had a lot of pain in my foot. It seems that was a big reason I laid off exercise the last time. SO I will talk to some people and find out if there are some shoes or something I can get to relieve some of that pain. I am almost 100% sure it is because of my shoes. I may need to break down and buy some actual good shoes.
Eating is another issue for me. I don't really "overeat" I just eat food of a lesser quality which in turn makes me gain. I also (in the past) have become very obsessive about calories. I am NOT a person that can count calories. I will forever rob myself of calories in fear that at the end of the day I will have gone over OR run out. It's weird, I don't really know why I do that. I know that I am supposed to eat throughout the day, BUT I get weird and short my caloric intake until about 3 pm when my body begins to crash.. and I eat and eat stuff that is unwise choices. Today after I went to the gym I stopped at Sprouts (which always makes me feel better) and got stuff for lunch. I also got some snacks for while I am at school and snacks for home.
Here is my encouragement for today: "Trust in the Lord, lean not on your own understanding. In ALL your ways (eating, exercising, homework, balancing life, kids, family, health—etc.) acknowledge Him (for the blessings, and His wisdom and guidance) and HE will make your path straight (which means I am not alone in this!) PROVERBS 3:5-6 (my personalization in parenthesis and italics).
SO that verse is encouraging because… I am not alone in this battle… AND GOD is undefeated and UNDEFEATABLE! That is having a winner on your side. I am going to cling to this a lot I think. SO God, here I am , and I am ready to see YOU work in my life. Let me be an encouragement to someone today, and a loving example of what YOU are to me—everything J

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